Tuesday, February 1, 2011

List of Books

Hello blog readers^•^

I wanted to let you guys know some of the books I'm planing on reading soon. This way you  can know what's coming and if you want you can read them too (there not in any particular order, there just the books at the top of my list!)

Looking for Alaska by John Green (I love john green. I think it's about time I read his book. Dftba)
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by stieg larsson (people say it's great)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by stephen chbosky (again, people say it's great)
Linger by maggie stiefvater (sequel to shiver)
Torment by lauren kate (sequel to fallen)
Angel by James Patterson (next book in the Maximum Ride series, 13 days until it comes out. Eeeep!)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker (can't wait to read for school!)
their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston (also reading for school, but it's amazing)

So those are the books I know will be coming soon. Hope there are some books here you like, if not then leave some comments with recommendations :)

Thanks for reading. Blog tomorrow on Looking for Alaska! 

That's all for now 
Adieu~ Caroline


  1. I'm excited for all the books on your list, and I'm definitely going to read them all too!
    Also, if you haven't already, I highly, HIGHLY recommend the Hunger Games series. It's an amazing series, and I'd love to hear your reflections upon reading it :)

  2. Hi! I'm glad you're excited! I am too :)
    And I have read the Hunger Game books (and I loved them!) but I will definitely re-read them and make a blog on them some time soon :D
