Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Funny Story

Hello blog readers^•^

The last three books I've read (The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Looking for Alaska, and the color purple) were very depressing. So I was thinking i should tell you blog readers a funny story to, you know, cheer us all up!

One of my favorite book series is the Hunger Game series by Susan Collins (i will defiantly be reading them some time this year, but I wanted to tell this story now). In the first chapter Katniss, the main character, is hunting in the woods and basically describing her life and where she lives. Okay sounds perfectly normal. One problem. I thought she was a boy.

If you own a copy of Hunger Games or can access one easily then I recommend going and reading the first chapter while thinking Katniss is a boy. 

Really I'm not crazy, if you go back and read it them you will see that I wasn't so far off. 

For everyone who thinks i am crazy here is my reasoning.
1. She ties her hair up into a braid. I thought she was like a Native American boy with long hair, kind of like Jacob Black from twilight or whatever
2. She talks about providing for her family by hunting and taking care of them. (gosh I sound sexist haha. Really I'm not. It just felt like that type of book, yah know?)
3. Then she goes of to meet her friend Gale who is also a boy and they hunt, so I thought it was like the boys of the village go of to hunt together 
4. Katniss didn't sound like a girls name :P

Things that made me realize HE was a SHE...
1. She talked about her relationship with Gale and how they didn't like each other romantically ( I just thought Gale was gay at first ha)
2. And the moment I knew she was a girl was when she put on a dress. yep

So maybe I am crazy, who knows. Did anyone else make that same mistake or one like that with any book? Let me know :)

Blog on Angel by JP out latter today/ tomorrow!
That's all for now 
Adieu~ Caroline

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