Saturday, May 28, 2011

A bientôt

Hello blog readers^•^

I haven't posted any book reviews in a while. Sorry about that. I'm afraid to say that this blog is not going to be a book review, as you might have already realized from the title. I have decided to move my blog over to my tumblr, .I will continue where I left off on my tumblr blog. All though I have loved blogging here my tumblr blog has been much more successful- there I have over 200 followers and here only 10. I'm also going to start writing less in my reviews, only because they took so much time it took the fun out of writing them. So please come and join me on tumblr while I try to read 100 books this year. 

I normally end my post bye saying "adieu", which is the French word for "farewell". But I'm not leaving you today, only moving with you. So let me say a bientôt. See you soon.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Excuses and Tests

Hello blog readers^•^
No I have not forgoten about you all. I'm sorry I'm so behind on post but the last two weeks I have been very busy. It was spring break and this week i have 3 A.P. exams. not very fun. So basiclly all of spring break I have been studying. I also have to take the SAT this weekend so I have been studying for that too. once that is all over I'll get cauth up. I'm still reading so i have a ton of books to write about :)
